Kitab Tafsir Nurul Ehsan: A Malay Commentary on the Quran
Kitab Tafsir Nurul Ehsan is a Malay commentary on the Quran written by Sheikh Muhammad Sa'id ibn Umar in the 19th century. It is the second interpretation of al-Mustafid Tarjuman, a Malay translation of the Quran by Sheikh Abdullah ibn Muhammad al-Fatani. The main objective of this commentary is to explain the meanings and implications of the Quranic verses in a simple and clear language for the Malay readers. The commentary also incorporates various sources from classical Arabic tafsirs, such as Tafsir al-Jalalyn, Tafsir al-Baydawi, Tafsir al-Tabari, Tafsir al-Qurtubi, Tafsir al-Razi, and others[^2^] [^1^]. The commentary is divided into 30 parts (juzuk), each corresponding to one part of the Quran. The commentary covers the whole Quran except for Surah al-Fatihah and Surah al-Baqarah, which are missing from the available manuscripts[^2^]. The commentary is considered one of the most important works of Malay Islamic literature and has been widely used by Malay scholars and students of the Quran[^2^].Kitab Tafsir Nurul Ehsan was written by Sheikh Muhammad Sa'id ibn Umar, who was a Qadhi (Islamic judge) of Jitra district in Kedah, Malaysia. He was born in 1857 and died in 1932. He was a descendant of Sheikh Abdullah ibn Muhammad al-Fatani, the author of al-Mustafid Tarjuman[^3^]. He was also a student of Sheikh Ahmad al-Fatani, a renowned scholar of Patani[^2^]. He wrote Kitab Tafsir Nurul Ehsan as a continuation and completion of his grandfather's work, which he considered as incomplete and inadequate[^2^]. He also wrote other works on Islamic jurisprudence, such as Kitab al-Majmu' fi al-Fiqh al-Shafi'i and Kitab al-Mukhtasar fi al-Fiqh al-Shafi'i[^2^].
Kitab Tafsir Nurul Ehsan is regarded as one of the most influential and popular Malay commentaries on the Quran. It has been widely used by Malay Muslims for learning and teaching the Quran in various institutions, such as pondok (traditional Islamic schools), mosques, madrasahs (Islamic religious schools), and universities[^2^] [^3^]. It has also been printed and published in various editions and formats, such as Arabic script, Jawi script (Malay-Arabic script), Romanized script, and digital format[^2^] [^3^]. The commentary is praised for its simplicity, clarity, comprehensiveness, and relevance to the Malay context[^2^] [^3^]. It also reflects the author's mastery of various Islamic sciences, such as tafsir, hadith, fiqh, usul al-fiqh, kalam, tasawwuf, and others[^2^] [^3^].Kitab Tafsir Nurul Ehsan, despite its popularity and influence, has also faced some challenges and criticisms from various perspectives. One of the main challenges is the preservation and accessibility of the original manuscripts of the commentary, which are scattered in various libraries and private collections, and are prone to damage and loss[^2^]. Another challenge is the standardization and verification of the printed and digital editions of the commentary, which may contain errors, omissions, additions, or alterations from the original text[^2^]. Furthermore, some scholars have criticized the commentary for its reliance on weak or fabricated hadiths and asbab al-nuzul (occasions of revelation) in interpreting some Quranic verses[^3^]. They have also questioned the author's methodology and sources of tafsir, which may not reflect the latest developments and findings in Quranic studies[^3^]. Some scholars have also suggested that the commentary should be revised and updated to address the contemporary issues and challenges faced by the Muslim ummah[^3^].
Kitab Tafsir Nurul Ehsan, however, has also received some positive feedback and appreciation from various quarters. Some scholars have praised the commentary for its contribution to the development and enrichment of Malay Islamic literature and culture[^2^] [^3^]. They have also recognized the author's efforts and sincerity in spreading the knowledge and understanding of the Quran among the Malay Muslims[^2^] [^3^]. They have also appreciated the commentary's style and language, which are simple, clear, comprehensive, and relevant to the Malay context[^2^] [^3^]. They have also acknowledged the commentary's value and significance as a historical document that reflects the intellectual and spiritual legacy of the Malay ulama in the 19th century[^2^] [^3^]. ec8f644aee